The Newly Restored Lighthouse!

A few weeks ago a friend and I took a ride down to the Barnegat Lighthouse on Long Beach Island, here in New Jersey. Although I had never been to it, I knew it was a beautiful lighthouse. However, I learned the day before the day we were supposed to go that, beginning in May of this year, the lighthouse began to undergo a restoration process that would supposedly be completed by the end of October. Of course, we all know how fickle those dates can be. And, the most recent pictures of the lighthouse were of it covered in scaffolding. Thus, although I was hoping the work would be finished by time of our visit, I wasn’t really sure or even all that hopeful that such would be the case.  Yet, we took the trip down. 

The whole time we were driving down the Garden State Parkway and then crossing the bridge to Long Beach Island, I was wondering what we would find. Would the lighthouse still be covered with scaffolding?  Or, was the renovation work done? I really had no way of knowing—that is, until we turned a corner and I caught a hopeful glimpse of the top of the lighthouse; it appeared to me that the top of it, at least, had no scaffolding. Finally, as we drove into the parking lot there it was: the most beautiful lighthouse I’ve ever seen, newly painted and ready to shine with the brand new lamp that had been placed within it. And with that, I let out a great big sigh of relief! 

As I looked at that lighthouse that day and thought about the restoration process it had just undergone, I was reminded of the fact that each of us is much like that lighthouse. Our lives are supposed to shine brightly by means of who we are and what we do. Jesus said, “You are the light of the world…let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:14, 16 – NIV)  But here’s the problem: We all have things that come into our lives that dim the light we are meant to shine. Our human nature often blocks the light as we tend towards selfishness, greed, lust, anger, etc.  Things happen in life that discourage us and bring a bit of darkness into our lives. Sometimes our light is dimmed by means of what others do to us and sometimes by means of what we do to ourselves; either way, the light we are meant to shine is not nearly as bright as it is supposed to be. We are often lighthouses in need of repair and restoration.  That’s where Jesus comes in. 

Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12 - NIV)  The Apostle John wrote of Jesus, “The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.” (John 1:9)  The Bible goes on to show us that when we give our lives to following Jesus, his light begins to shine into our lives in such a way that the darkness within us is overcome by his light and we are made new. We might say, we undergo a restoration process. That is why the Apostle Paul could write, “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light….” (Ephesians 5:8) 

I’m so thankful for the restoration work that God has done in my life and in the lives of so many others whom I know. It’s absolutely amazing to see “lighthouses” that were once broken and in disrepair today shining as brightly as ever through good deeds, kind words, a spirit of generosity and compassion. It’s incredible to see once broken down “lighthouses” now filled with the “light of life.” I hope and pray that such is the case for you. 

Have a great day…and let your light shine! 

- Pastor Tim Harris 
