Fueling Up For the Run!

I know I’ve written a lot recently about my running escapades and what I’ve learned from all the training that led up to the half marathon I ran a couple of weeks ago. But one thing I haven’t mentioned was a lesson I learned the hard way: the need to properly fuel up before, during, and after a long run. You see, when running three, four, even five miles I never really worried too much about how much I needed to eat before beginning the run. Nor did I consider the need for any kind of nutrition during the run. And when finished, I would eat what one might consider to be a pretty normal meal (usually breakfast). However, when running six miles or more I found that I my nutritional needs became quite different. At times, because I hadn’t fueled up properly beforehand or had nothing to keep me fueled up during the run, my body clearly let me know it did not want to keep going; my body was depleted from not being properly fueled up. 

After doing a bit of reading (as well as talking it through with my son Jonathan), I began to change my fueling habits.  I now make sure that before a long run I get the proper nutrition into my body. In the morning that means a banana, a slice of whole grain toast with some peanut butter, and some coffee and water. During the run I now have with me a handheld running bottle filled with an electrolyte drink and a packet or two of energy gels. And, when a long run is completed, I know I need to put back the bulk of the calories I have just run off. That means eating a bit more than usual—especially carbs and protein. Bottom line, I have come to understand the importance of fueling up if I am going to be able to run longer distances. And it has worked! I have felt much better when running those longer distances. Most importantly, I have had enough strength to make it to the end of even a half marathon. 

All of this has reminded me of the importance of fueling up not just my body to run physically, but the need to fuel my heart, mind, and spirit if I am to daily live the kind of life I ought to live and be the person I ought to be. That means nourishing myself on a healthy diet made up of those things that will build good character, create good habits, get my mind to think the right kinds of thoughts, and most of all strengthen my spirit. 

Jesus said, quoting from the Old Testament, ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4 – NIV)  The prophet Isaiah wrote, “…they who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength;  they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31 – ESV) 

Each day I need to fuel up—i.e., prepare myself for the day that is ahead of me. I do so by reading God’s Word, the Bible; speaking to him in prayer; and allowing his presence to fill my life. As I do, my heart, mind, and spirit are nourished and fueled up for whatever might come my way—for the race that I will need to run that day. After all, this life is much more like a long run than it is a sprint!

Let me encourage you to make sure you are fueling yourself up for whatever race you might need to run each day. Read God’s Word, spend time in prayer, and allow God’s presence to give to you the strength you will need to run your race all the way to the end. 

Have a great day! 

- Pastor Tim Harris 
