The End of Summer!

It’s Labor Day weekend, the unofficial end to summer. I’m not all that thrilled about that. After all, in spite of the sometimes grueling heat and humidity, I love the summer months. I love running the boardwalk and then being able to jump into the ocean for a swim. I look forward to our family’s annual time up in the Adirondack Mountains, swimming, hiking, boating, etc. And, I simply love being able to get up in the morning and throw on some shorts and a t-shirt to walk the dog—no need for the big coats and sweaters. There’s so many things I like about summer. But, as they say, “all good things must come to an end,” and such is the case with summer. 

Of course, the end of summer is not the “end” period. Rather, the end of the summer season marks the start of a new season. The end of summer, leads us into the season we call “autumn” or “fall.” And, it as well is a beautiful time of year.  With cooler temperatures making their way in, the leaves changing color, and so many different things to enjoy (e.g. pumpkins, apple cider, hay rides, etc.), it really is a great season. Not only that, but for many, the end of summer marks  the start of a new school year. At the church, it’s the start of a new season of ministry. Thus, the end of summer is not just an end, but as well a beginning. 

You see, one season always leads into another. The end of one is always the beginning of another. And such is the way it is within our lives. We live our lives going through seasons. In one season we are just starting out in life, getting an education or building a career; before you know it, we are in a season of retirement.  In one season, we are getting married and thinking about starting a family; in another season we are releasing our children to build their own homes and families—maybe soon playing with our grandchildren. One season may be filled with physical health and strength; another season may be complicated by illness or decline. The Bible says, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens….” (Ecclesiastes 3:1 – NIV)  

Most importantly, we can know that no matter what season we find ourselves in, God sees us, knows what is taking place, and is in control. After all, he is the One who is over all seasons. As Daniel wrote, “He changes times and seasons.” (Daniel 2:21) The psalmist wrote, “He made the moon to mark the seasons.” (Psalm 104:19) He is God of the seasons!

No matter what season of life you are in, trust God with that season. He will be with you as you finish one season and move into the next. He will take care of you, through each and every season. He is the One who said through the prophet Ezekiel, “I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing.” (Ezekiel 34:26) 

Have a great day! And enjoy your final days of summer! 

- Pastor Tim Harris 
