A Gift and a Privilege!

The other day I heard someone say, “Aging is a gift and a privilege.” The words struck me hard since this weekend I’m turning 65. In my mind, turning 65 is kind of a strange milestone. It was one thing to enter into my 60’s; it’s another to now be halfway through. I don’t feel like I should be on Medicare or be considered to be a full-fledged “senior citizen.” Yet, that is where I’m at. I haven’t been sure whether I should be celebrating this birthday or merely accepting it. 

When I heard those words, however, “aging is a gift and a privilege,” something clicked in my brain. I began to ask myself, if that is true, what will I do with this gift? How will I make best use of this season of my life? After all, if aging is a gift and a privilege, I then have a great responsibility to both enjoy this season and use it to its fullest. 

For me that means, finding meaningful ways to invest into the lives of others, including my family (and especially my grandchildren). It means keeping myself healthy so I can continue to be active throughout this season of my life. And, it means always finding ways to invest into the Kingdom of God. After all, I want not only the earlier seasons of my life to have counted, but this season as well—and even more so! 

The writer of the book of Ecclesiastes wrote these words: 

Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let your hands not be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well. (Ecclesiastes 11:6 – NIV) 

Although it may not be exactly what the author was referring to, as I read those words I considered “the morning” to be the earlier seasons of my life, whereas “the evening” is this latter season of my life. In other words, there is work to do and there are things to be accomplished in every season of life. One’s focus may shift. The kind of work one does, might change. As time goes on, life may look a little bit different. Yet in every season there is the potential for success, impact, joy, and fruit. And in fact, this latter season just might bring about more fruit than did the earlier seasons. That I cannot know ahead of time, but the potential is there as long as I receive this season as “a gift and a privilege.” 

Whatever season of life you might find yourself in today, let me encourage you to receive it as “a gift and a privilege.” Wherever you are and whatever season you are in, you can be a blessing to those around you, to our world, and to his kingdom. Now, that’s something to celebrate!

Have a great day! 

- Pastor Tim Harris
