The End of Summer!

It’s Labor Day weekend, the unofficial end to summer. I’m not all that thrilled about that. After all, in spite of the sometimes grueling heat and humidity, I love the summer months. I love running the boardwalk and then being able to jump into the ocean for a swim. I look forward to our family’s annual time up in the Adirondack Mountains, swimming, hiking, boating, etc. And, I simply love being able to get up in the morning and throw on some shorts and a t-shirt to walk the dog—no need for the big coats and sweaters. There’s so many things I like about summer. But, as they say, “all good things must come to an end,” and such is the case with summer. Of course, the end of summer is not the “end” period. Rather, the end of the summer season marks the start of a new season. The end of summer, leads us into the season we call “autumn” or “fall.” And, it as well is a beautiful time of year. With cooler temperatures making their way in, the leaves changing color, and so many diff...