He Knows Your Name!

Not too long ago, someone in the gym I go to said to me, “Thanks for remembering my name.” Then they said to me, as so many people do, “I’m good with faces but bad with names” as their excuse for forgetting my name. I wanted to respond, “Of course. That’s true for everyone!” After all a face is visual, and what’s visual sticks in our brains much more easily than that which is only heard. 

Someone recently posted, “Not to brag, but I can shake your hand and forget your name simultaneously!” And we all know that can be true. As quickly as someone gives you their name, it flies out of your brain and you’re left wondering what just happened. But without putting forth effort and concentration, it’s easy to quickly forget a person’s name, especially when you’ve not had much interaction with them. That’s why in some settings people are asked to wear name tags. Not only is the person’s name right in front of you, but you will be much more likely to remember their name once you see it. 

As a pastor, I’ve had to work hard to get to know people’s names. When I meet people for the first time and ask them their name, I have to really concentrate and let their name sink in. When I’m greeting a whole bunch of people at the same time, however, that can be a bit of a challenge. So, what do I do? The next time I see them I’ll be honest and say something like, “I’m sorry, what was your name again?” Usually, after two or three encounters their name sticks in my brain.  The best thing is, eventually when I see them I can greet them by name—which is something everyone likes. After all, everyone likes to know they are more than just another face in the crowd. Everyone likes to be known by their name. 

In the book of Exodus we read of God speaking to Moses saying, “I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name.” (Exodus 33:17 – NIV; emphasis mine) Can you imagine what that must have meant to Moses? God was so personally involved with Moses that he could say to him, “I know you by name.” What an incredible comfort that must have been for Moses as he was about to embark on the biggest assignment of his life—i.e., leading the God’s people to the Promised Land. God knew him by his name!

In the New Testament, Jesus describes himself as a shepherd and his followers as his sheep. There he says, “He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.” (John 10:3b) In other words, Jesus our shepherd doesn’t just call out to us, “Hey, guys!” or “C’mon ya’ll!” or “Let’s go buddy!”  Rather, he calls each one of us by our name. That’s how intimately he knows us and is involved in our lives. 

Tommy Walker put it this way in one of his songs: “He knows my name; He knows my every thought; He sees each tear that falls; And hears me when I call.” 

I’m glad to know that to God I’m not just another person in the crowd or a speck on the planet. God knows my name! And he knows yours too! 

Have a great day! 

- Pastor Tim Harris 
