An Incredible Sky!

For the past couple of weeks, on most nights the evening sky has been quite clear and thus great for stargazing (at least here in NJ!).  Last week the moon was in a crescent phase and this week is now almost full.  To the “right” of the moon, Jupiter has been bright as can be, with Saturn near to it and as well able to be seen with the naked eye. And just a bit further “right” has been Venus shining like the noonday sun! In fact, at one point last week, all three planets and the moon were in one constellation, Capricorn. It was amazing to see them all so close together. It has truly been an incredible sky! 

Although many people might take a quick glance upwards and possibly take note of the moon and the stars in a general sense, they often miss what’s actually taking place.  They fail to see the moon changing its shape or the planets moving around them. After all, most people—most of us—rush from the house to the car, getting out and rushing into wherever we are going, without ever looking up. We don’t see what’s taking place because we fail to take the time to stop, look up, and gaze at the sky above us. We fail to see that we have above us a truly incredible sky!  

As I read through the Psalms, I get the distinct impression that the psalmist David made it his habit to look up at the nighttime sky. Maybe it was easier for him than it is for us, especially when he was out on a hillside watching sheep with much fewer distractions and no city lights to dim the heavenly lights. (I find such to be the case when I am up in the mountains.) It seems to me that David regularly took the time to look up.  And as he did, he couldn’t help but reflect on the God who made it all. 

Picture David, if you will, sitting on a Judean hillside, looking up at his nighttime sky, and writing words such as,   “LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens.”  (Psalm 8:1)   “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” (Psalm 19:1)   “Your love, LORD, reaches to the heavens,  your faithfulness to the skies.”  (Psalm 36:5) For David, it was truly an incredible sky for it pointed him to the God who created it all.  

This evening, if the sky is clear enough, you might want to take just a moment to look up and gaze at the moon, planets, and stars above us. As you do, reflect upon the God who set it all in place. Think about the One who has shared a bit of his glory with us through that nighttime sky.  Consider his righteousness, faithfulness, and love as exhibited through those heavenly lights.  And take some time to give him praise!  

“The heavens praise your wonders, LORD, your faithfulness too, in the assembly of the holy ones.” (Psalm 89:5) 

Have a great day! And…don’t forget to look up! 

- Pastor Tim Harris 
