Jesse's First Christmas!

As most of you know, Kim and I became grandparents for the first time this past August. Our grandson’s name is Jesse, and this will be his first Christmas. Of course, his parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles are all so excited to celebrate Christmas with him. Kim and I are especially looking forward to having Jesse (as well as his parents!) with us on Christmas morning.  The only problem is, Jesse’s not excited at all about Christmas—after all, he doesn’t yet understand one day from the next, no less what a special day like Christmas is all about.  

Jesse in front of our Christmas Tree!

It makes me think about that very first Christmas—i.e., the day Jesus was born. There was so much hubbub surrounding Jesus’ birth: the stable and manger, angels and shepherds, magi and a star, etc.  But the newborn child knew nothing of what was happening around him. He was just a little baby, like any other baby, that simply needed to eat, sleep, and be held and comforted. Yes, that’s right!  Jesus came into this world just like any other baby comes into our world.  
That’s the miracle of the incarnation! The Son of God, the Creator God, entered this world as every other baby does, first inside a womb then through a birth canal. Once here, that child is as helpless as can be, totally dependent upon the care of his or her parents. And so, it was with baby Jesus.  Oh, the wonder of it all! 

I can’t help but ask, how could it have been that the Son of God, the One who stood beyond eternity, came into this world as one who didn’t even know what day it was? How could  it have been that the One who was there at the creation of our world—the One through whom our world was made—was now totally dependent upon a man and woman to feed him, hold him, and meet his every need? How could it have been that the One who had set into motion the plan of redemption wasn’t aware of what was happening on that first Christmas? 

The Apostle Paul wrote about the incarnation in this way: “Who, being in very nature   God,
(Jesus Christ) did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross!” (Philippians 2:7-8 – NIV)

God stepping into our world as a helpless little baby!  Jesus the Son of God taking on our humanity to the point that he didn’t even know what was happening on that first Christmas!  That’s the miracle of the incarnation. That’s the depth of his love for us—a love that allowed the Son of God to shed his divinity and take on our humanity that we might be saved from our sins!  

This Christmas, let’s not lose sight of what the miracle of the incarnation is all about! 

Have a great day! 

Pastor Tim Harris 

P.S. – I can’t wait to celebrate Christmas with Jesse, whether he understands it all or not! 
