Where Have You Been?

Last week I was back in Leon, Nicaragua.  It had been ten months since I had been down there—the longest gap between visits in six years.  During the week, I visited the children of Promise Kids Foundation in the three rural communities outside of Leon where the program meets. When I got out of our vehicle at the first community, a 16 year-old, Erick, came immediately to me, gave me a hug, and said, “Where have you been, Pastor Tim? I thought I’d never see you again!”  The same thing happened a couple of days later. Carlos who is now 18 years old and studying at the university came to me and said, “Pastor Tim, where have you been? I think about you and your family every day!”  In each case, I was somewhat speechless and left holding back my tears. 

Where have I been? Well, I’ve been busy with the church here in New Jersey. I’ve been taking care of my family. I’ve been living life here in the U.S.  I’ve been going about the regular and some of the not-so-regular stuff of my life here at home. And, I know that, although some of the kids and families there may miss me, they’ve been going about the stuff of their lives.  (I doubt they’re just sitting around waiting for me to show up!)  After all, we are all busy with our lives. 

Carlos and I in Fortin, Nicaragua
It’s true that, I’ve got my life here in New Jersey—and, they have their own lives down there.  But, I am reminded how, in the midst of all of the busyness of life, we can so easily lose sight of one another and the relationships with which God has blessed us.  We can become so caught up in what we are doing that, we forget about the people with whom we are supposed to live our lives connected: spouses, children, friends, family, brothers and sisters in Christ, etc.  Before you know it we are asking each other, “Where have you been?” 

The Bible tells us to, “Be devoted to one another” (Romans 12:10); “encourage one another” (2 Corinthians 13:11); “serve one another” (Galatians 5:13); “Be kind and compassionate to one another” (Ephesians 4:32); “admonish one another” (Colossians 3:16); “spur one another on toward love and good deeds” (Hebrews 10:24); “Keep on loving one another” (Hebrews 13:1).  None of that can be done unless we live our lives connected to one another.  It’s a call for us to live our lives in constant relationship with those around us.      

Is there someone who today might ask you, “Where have you been?”  If so, pray for them. Give them a call. Set up a time to get together. Renew your relationship. Take the time to live your life in relationship with the people God has called you to bless—and through whom God will bless you!

Let’s not become so busy with the stuff of life that, before you know it we are asking each other, “Where have you been?”    

Have a great day!

Pastor Tim Harris

P.S. – I hope it won’t be ten months till I get to see Erick, Carlos, and some of the others again! 
