Honorable and Faithful Service!
This past Monday evening, my father’s brother (i.e. my uncle), George passed away at the age of 92. He was the uncle who was always a bit of a mystery, a bit eccentric, and at times even a little intimidating. Since his death, I learned that he served in the army just after the close of WWII. Previously, I had heard that he couldn’t serve during the war because of a disability. I did not know, that he was sent to Europe after the war. As I was going through his papers and cards, I found his discharge paper, better called his, discharge card. Apparently, back then the army would take the discharge paper, shrink it down, and laminate it so that the veteran had it as a card to carry in his wallet. A the top of the card it says, “Army of the United States Honorable Discharge.” On the back I found out all kinds of details—e.g. he trained in Aberdeen, MD, was an army truck driver, was “separated” at Fort Dix, served from September 2...