Stuck at Home!

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us have spent a lot more time at home than we normally would. A lot of people are now working from home—including Kim and me. Others are not able to go to work, and thus just happen to be at home. Without shopping malls, restaurants, churches, and movie theaters open, our options as to where we can go have become quite limited. Many of our seniors, for the sake of their health and safety are not going out.  And, the call of our state has been to remain home as much as possible.  

Of course, Netflix and other streaming services are loving the fact that people are using their services a lot more than they usually would.  Others are getting lots of home projects done.  Many parents are saying they are using the time to spend more time with their kids—even if it’s because of all of the online schooling that’s taking place. We might say, many of us are just stuck at home.

If you’re like me, you normally spend much of your time rushing from one thing to the next. It seems like we always have somewhere to be and somewhere else to go. Believe me, I’m not playing down the hardship that all of this has caused to so many people. Yet, sometimes we need a little change of perspective. Maybe we need to look at the coin from the other side.  Maybe we are not just stuck at home.

Could it be that we have been given a period of time to slow-down, spend time with our families, and most of all reflect upon our lives and our relationship with God? Could it be that this time of being stuck at home, can actually become a blessing?

The psalmist wrote, “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?” (Psalm 8:3-4 – NIV) Jesus told us to “consider” the birds of the air and the flowers of the field and realize that, if God our heavenly takes care of them, how much more he will take care of us as his children. (See Luke 12:22-28.) But, it takes time to consider. It’s hard to observe, reflect, think, and meditate upon God when we are running from one place to the next. 

So, I want to encourage you today to take some time, while you are stuck at home, to consider the blessings of God that surround you, the hand of God at work in our world and in your life, and the love of God as shown to you through Christ our Savior. Let’s not just be stuck at home but allow this to be a time of great personal growth and blessing.

Have a great day!

Pastor Tim Harris
