The Longest Month of the Year!
I don’t want to sound like I’m complaining. And it’s not that completely I hate winter (although it is definitely not my favorite season). But at this point in the year I’m a bit tired of putting on the heavy jacket, hat, and gloves to walk the dog. I’m thinking about going out for a run in shorts and a tank. I’m practically dreaming about jumping into the ocean or the pool for a swim. But here we are still waking up to the cold and, today at least, a bit more snow. To me, February definitely feels like the longest month of the year.
Thankfully, we all know February will not last forever. Nor will winter. Spring will come, as will summer. And I guess it’s that anticipation that is really beginning to build this time of the year, that actually makes the present time seem to go by so slowly. It’s that longing for and expectation of spring that, can make February feel as if it will never end.
I think that’s the way it’s been for the followers of Jesus throughout the past two centuries as they have held onto the promise of his return. From the beginning Christians have looked towards his return with anticipation, expectation, and hope. And as they have, it has at times felt as if time has been moving forward very, very slowly, causing some to even doubt whether or not he will fulfill his promise to come back for his people. As we’ve waited for that day, it has felt as if just maybe it will never happen. But allow me to say, that’s like being in the midst of February and doubting whether or not spring will ever arrive.This is why the Apostle Peter wrote, “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness” (1 Peter 3:9 – NIV) He then goes on to say, “But the day of the Lord will come….” (vs. 10) In other words, don’t doubt Jesus’ words. And don’t give up looking towards the day of his return. Although it may seem slow in coming, it will come! As assuredly as February will eventually lead us towards spring, the current season of our world will one day give way to the return of our Savior and King!
So on this very cold and chilly day in the midst of February (at least here in New Jersey), let’s hold onto the hope that spring will be here shortly. More than that, let’s hold onto the hope that one day soon, our Lord and Savior Jesus will return!
Have a great day!
- Pastor Tim Harris
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