Are You Coming or Going?

Have you ever felt like you didn’t know whether you were coming or going? It happens to all of us. Life becomes so busy that we can begin to feel as if we’ve lost direction, like we’re being pulled in a million directions, as if we’ve lost our bearings. As we say, we don’t know whether we are coming or going.  

I’ve felt that way many times in my life. In fact, I recently said to someone, that’s how I feel just about every January. I come out of the very busy Christmas season thinking there’s going to be a bit of a break. Instead, I find myself thrust into a pretty hectic month as so many things need to be taken care of, prepared for, kicked off as we begin the new year. It’s for sure a time when I can feel as if I don’t know whether I am coming or going! 

A couple of weeks ago, just as I was beginning to feel that way, I came to Psalm 121 in my morning Bible reading. There I read these words, “…the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forever more.” (Psalm 121:8 – NIV) That was just what I needed to hear!  Those words became  a great  comfort to me, reminding me that in the busyness of my life—and sometimes the confusion that such busyness brings—God is watching over my life. He sees, he knows, and he understands all that I am facing in my life. He sees all of my coming and going; he is watching over every step of my journey.   

If you read the whole psalm you find this is the Psalmist’s point: God is watching over the lives of his people. In fact, the Psalmist writes, God doesn’t fall asleep on us. He is constantly watching and guiding and guarding. We read, “The Lord will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life.” (Psalm 121:7)

In the midst of a very busy world in which at times we don’t know whether we are coming or going; during those times when we can begin to feel overwhelmed by all of the stuff that seems to come our way; and especially during those times when life throws us some pretty tough curveballs, it is good to know, there is a God in heaven who is watching over us. He is always watching over our coming and going! 

Have a great day! 

- Pastor Tim Harris
