
Showing posts from September, 2024

Are You ALL IN?

As some of you may know, last year I participated in my first (and thus far, only) sprint triathlon. It was a super-charged event, leaving me with a feeling of incredible accomplishment. I will admit, the training was hard and time-consuming. Just about every day I was running or cycling or swimming or doing a combination of any one of them. There were times when I wanted to give up. But I knew the only way I would ever be able to complete the race was to be consistent, to train hard, to give it my all, to be all in.  Such is the way it is in life. No one ever accomplishes anything of significance being half-hearted. Whether in athletics or academics, relationships or business, success comes to those who wholeheartedly invest their time and energy and effort—to those who give it their all; to those who are all in.  Deuteronomy 6:5 says, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” (NIV – emphasis mine) The word “all” speaks of everything

Persistence and Determination

While our son Nathaniel and his wife Sarah are away on a trip, Kim and I are watching their 10 month old Lab mix, Pepper. Well, like any good dog-sitter, I went and bought Pepper a couple of new chew toys to help occupy her time. What I didn’t know was that Pepper doesn’t just chew her toys, she rips them apart!  Whether it is a rubber bone or heavy woven rope, Pepper just gnaws at them, ripping them apart, piece by piece by piece. (And, we need to make sure she’s not swallowing any of the rubber or string.)   I’m amazed at how persistent and how focused Pepper can be when chewing on something. For a few minutes at least, it’s as if nothing else in the world exists. She will pull at a string until she gets it out and then go onto the next—and the next. All of her energy is focused on tearing apart whatever it is she has in her mouth. She is, what I would call,  quite “persistent” and “determined.”  It’s actually amazing to watch her at her task.  It makes me ask myself, am I that persi