The Mother's Day-Father's Birthday Card!

Today would have been my father’s 96th birthday. He was born on May 10, 1928 but passed away on May 7, 2014, just shy of his 86th birthday. (I can’t believe it’s been 10 years!) So, of course I’ve been thinking about him today. And as I was, I was reminded of a little story that took place a number of years ago—on one of the years when his birthday actually fell on Mother’s Day. 

My mom, dad, & me in 1960
Every few years my father’s birthday would fall on Mother’s Day. Such was the case in 1981 during my senior year of college.  At that time, I was going to college and living in the Bronx. Before going home for the weekend, I went into a small bodega in our neighborhood to look for two cards: a Mother’s Day card for mom and a birthday card for dad. In my search, however, I came across one card that said, “Happy Mother’s Day, Mom & Happy Birthday, Dad!” There I had it, one card for both occasions! You might say, “I was able to kill two birds with one stone/card!”  Of course I bought it and gave it to my parents that Sunday. What a find! Everyone got quite a laugh about it; and I got ribbed for being cheap!

Again, I am thinking about my dad who would have been celebrating his birthday this weekend. And, I’m thinking about my mom whom we would have been honoring this weekend as well. Both of them are gone now. (Mom passed away in December 2017 at the age of 79 years old.) Both of them have left incredible memories with us, their children, and an indelible mark upon each of our lives. They weren’t perfect people; like all of us, they had their flaws. But they loved us, did their best for us, took care of us, and most of all, gave us the opportunity to come to know Jesus. Not only did they provide for us physically, but they gave to us a spiritual provision that I yet carry on in my life. 

So, as I come to this weekend that holds both my father’s birthday and Mother’s day, I’m remind of the command: “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.” (Exodus 20:12) It’s a command I hope I fulfilled while they were alive. And one, that I hope to continue to fulfill by the way I remember their lives and love. May such be the case through each of our lives. 

Today in one sentence I say, “Happy Mother’s Day, mom & Happy Birthday, Dad!” 

Have a great day! 

- Pastor Tim Harris 
