Unwanted Visitors!

Like many of you who live in suburbia, we have a number of unwanted visitors who come into our yard and do in it whatever they like. No, I’m not talking about neighbors or the kids who live around the block. I’m referring to the deer who come around multiple times per day, eat whatever they like, and leave behind “evidence” of their visit! They have even created their own path that goes from our front yard, across our side yard, to the neighborhood behind us. 

Like most people, I think deer are beautiful creatures. I really have nothing personal against them. But when they come in a herd that includes two to three doe, two bucks with full antlers, and a few fawn, that becomes way too many visiting at one time. And, when I pull into our driveway and find a few of them in front of my car or on the lawn, staring me down as if to say, how dare I show up at my own home…well, at that point they’ve crossed a line!  At that point they have really become unwanted visitors!  Thus I, like many of my neighbors and many of you, have tried all kinds of solutions—usually to little avail. It seems, no matter what we do they keep coming back! 

If I think about it, the deer are not the only unwanted visitors that show up in my life. No, I’m not referring to other creatures that show up in my yard (e.g. racoons, rabbits, etc.). Now I’m thinking about the thoughts that come into my mind that are not the best or the healthiest; the attitudes that rise up within me that reveal the selfishness that I still have within my heart; and the little habits that I thought I had once overcome but in an unguarded moment resurface. We all have unwanted visitors that show up in our minds, hearts, and lives; we have all kinds of things that not only visit us, but want to make their home within us. Thus, we find ourselves looking for solutions and ways to get rid of our unwanted visitors.  

The Apostle Paul knew it was like to have unwanted visitors show up in his life. In a moment of complete transparency he wrote, “For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing…Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me.” (Romans 7:19, 21 – NIV)  Paul apparently understood what it was like to have sinful thoughts, attitudes, and actions show up in his life.  So what was the Apostle’s solution? After crying out in despair and asking who or what will rescue him from his unwanted visitors, he declares the solution to his problem: “Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!” (Romans 7:25) 

The Apostle Paul knew that the solution to the unwanted visitors that kept showing up in his life was not a more positive mindset, more education, and a bit more willpower. He knew that only real solution was found in the power of God at work in his life. The only real way to deal with the sin that kept trying to make its way back into Paul’s life, was for him to allow Jesus to take hold of his life and fill him with his Holy Spirit. 

What unwanted visitors keep trying to make their way back into your life? Maybe it’s a habit, an addiction, negative words, a critical attitude, an unloving spirit, etc. Whatever it may be the only real solution to each one of them is to turn to God through faith in Jesus and allow him to fill you with the power of his Holy Spirit. Through Jesus, it’s possible to overcome the unwanted visitors. 

Now, if only it was that straightforward when it came to the deer!

Have a great day! 

- Pastor Tim Harris 
