A Full House!

Years ago there was a TV sitcom entitled, “Full House.”  Well, this past week, Kim and I have had the ultimate full house.  Visiting with us as been our two grandsons, Jesse and Jack; their parents, Jonathan and Danielle; our daughter and son-in-law, Joanna and Dan; our son, Nathaniel, and his fiancée, Sarah at various times; and, as of last night, Kim’s cousin’s son, Josh. Oh, did I mention the added dog, Odin, and Sarah’s rabbit, Lizzy, who has as well visited this week? Yes, it’s been a full house! 
Of course, most of the time Kim and I are alone in the house and have our routines and ways of keeping things. Add that many people and a dog or two to the mix and things can become a bit crazy. The schedule gets thrown off. Stuff seems to be everywhere. And the questions are endless: Who is sleeping where? What will we eat for dinner? Who’s going to be around for dinner? Can someone help with the crying baby? When can I go play with Jesse? Etc.  For sure, a full house has its challenges. But I’m not sure either Kim or I would trade it for the world. 

Jesus told a parable of a man who was throwing “…a great banquet and invited many guests.” He was expecting a full house. Many of his invited guests, however, declined his invitation and sent their excuses for not coming.  Yet, the man throwing the banquet was determined to have a full house. So, he gave his servants these instructions: “Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame…Go out to the roads and country lanes and compel them to come in, so that my house will be full.” (Luke 14:21, 23 – NIV) This man was going to make sure he had a full house! 

Of course, the man throwing the banquet represented God who has sent out a great invitation.  Although there are many who reject his invitation, God is so determined that his house would be full, he keeps on inviting and inviting, even inviting those whom others would think are not worthy of such an invitation. We might say, that’s you and me! We are among the poor, crippled, blind and lame who never expected to receive such an invitation And there are yet many others whom God is longing to invite, people all around us and all around the world to whom the invitation must be sent.  

Today I’m reminded of two things: (1) The grace of God to have invited you and me to be part of his household; (2) God’s call upon our lives to keep on extending his invitation to those who have not yet received it.  After all, God loves a full house! 

Have a great day! 

- Pastor Tim Harris 
