A Symbol of Love

The following comes from the Holy Week devotional guide I wrote for our church, "Jesus' Final Week":
In less than a week, the voices that rang in Jesus’ ears went from cries of praise to cries of condemnation. Although the exclamations most likely came from two different crowds, the fact was the tenor in the air had changed. How quickly Jesus went from being hailed as King and Messiah to being condemned as a blasphemer and criminal.  By the end of the day, Jesus was dead.  

If we had been there we would have said it was a terrible day, the worst day any one of his followers could have imagined. All of their hopes and dreams had been pinned to this One who was now hanging on a cross and fighting for every breath. Defeat filled the air. We read “Jesus said, ‘It is finished. With that he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.” (John 19:30) It was all over—or, so it seemed. 
Before we jump too quickly to Sunday, we need to pause and soak in what Jesus went through on this day that we call “Good Friday.” Let’s not miss the point. His pain was real. His suffering was real. His death, by means of one of the cruelest forms known to man, was real. This was no mere appearance of suffering and death, this was the real thing! And, why did he do it? Why did he allow himself to die in this way?  Because, as Jesus had once said to his disciples “No greater love has a man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.”   

For us as Christians the cross has become not merely a symbol of suffering, but a symbol of love. That cruel instrument of death has become for us a symbol of Christ’s great love and his desire that each of us would know the salvation of God. 

On this Good Friday, spend some time at the foot of the cross. Consider Jesus, the suffering servant and dying savior. Let’s be careful not to move too quickly away from the cross, lest we fail to appreciate the incredible love Jesus has shown us through his suffering and death. Let’s linger before the greatest symbol of love we will ever know.  

Take Some Time: 
-  Find a picture of Jesus hanging on the cross—or even an empty rugged cross—and thank Jesus for his suffering, death, and for his great love for you.
-  Sing or play a song about the cross as you worship Jesus as the One who died for your sin. 

Have a great day and wonderful Resurrection weekend! 

- Pastor Tim Harris 
