Caught In the Middle!

Did you ever play “Keep Away” as a kid? That’s when a ball or some other item is tossed back and forth between two people to keep it away from a third person in the middle. We also called it, “Monkey In the Middle.”  No one ever liked being that kid in the middle.  You’d much rather be one of the kids tossing the ball. Eventually, however, just about everyone ends up spending some time caught in the middle. 

As I think about what is taking place in Ukraine and the war that Russia has waged upon it, my heart breaks for those who have been caught in the middle, especially the children. Like with any war, these children awoke one day ready to go to school or out to play with their friends when suddenly they found themselves in the midst of bombs and missiles, fleeing to shelters, or even fleeing their country. Of course all of this is hard on people of all ages, but how much harder for the children who can barely understand what is taking place around them. They are truly caught in the middle. 

I can’t help but think of Jesus’ words regarding the children: “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”  (Luke 18:16 – NIV) Surely, his heart leaned towards the children. 

Today, all around the world there are children who are suffering. Of no fault or cause of their own, they find themselves in the midst of war, poverty, violence, abuse…and the list goes on. And I have to believe, Jesus’ heart must break for them. I am pretty sure that his heart still leans towards the children, especially those who find themselves caught in the middle of a world that has dealt them a hard blow. And I am sure he would ask us as his people to do what we can for these children. 

None of us knows what is going to ultimately happen in Ukraine. It is a terrible situation. But let’s continue to pray for a miracle, for the end to the violence, for the stopping of such evil aggression. Let’s pray for the soldiers, for families being separated, and for those who are now refugees. And, let’s especially pray for the children who are caught in the middle. 

Have a great day! 

- Pastor Tim Harris 


  1. I’m amening with tears in my eyes. … we continue to pray


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