Stuck In the House...Again!
After a year of escaping COVID—and being as careful as I thought I could be—a couple of weeks ago I came down with the illness. That being the case, I’ve had to stay put in the house. Not that I’ve wanted to go anywhere since I’ve been pretty sick (I won’t get into the details!). Of course, Kim has had to quarantine with me as well. In fact, she also tested positive. So, we’ve been stuck in quarantine mode. For me it’s been a bit discouraging in that I’ve still been healing from my back surgery. After almost a month of being home, I was really glad to be going to physical therapy, out for short walks, and preaching again at church. I felt like I was beginning to reengage in life. Then suddenly, it all came to a grinding halt. After weeks of being stuck in the house with a bad back, now I’ve had to spend another two weeks in the house recuperating from COVID. Yes, I’m stuck in the house again! I am sure, none of us likes being stuck in the house…or, stuck anywhere for t...