In Need of a Rest Stop!
Through the years, Kim and I have done a lot of driving up down the highways here in the Northeast. As we do, whether we are on the New York State Thruway, Connecticut Turnpike, New Jersey Turnpike, or Route 95, it’s not uncommon for us, after a few hours of driving, to be in need of a rest stop. Well, thankfully, our highway systems have rest stops all along the way. So, when we begin to get a bit tired, need to stretch, use a bathroom, or get something to eat, it’s not all that difficult to find a rest stop that will meet our need. Once we’ve stopped, even for a short amount of time, we feel reenergized and ready to keep on travelling. We’re thankful for the rest stops along the way. Did you know that, one of the themes found in the Bible has to do with, rest? Right at the beginning, in the account of creation, we read of God resting on the seventh day (Genesis 2:2-3). Later on, God commands his people to set aside the seventh day as a day of rest. It’s called the Sabbath. (Exod...