Do You Have COVID Fatigue?
As I was listening to the news last week, I heard an expression I had not heard before, “COVID fatigue.” It was a reference to the fact that across the nation people are getting weary of having to worry about the coronavirus, wear masks, socially distance, etc. Talking with people you get the feeling that everyone is a bit tired of Zoom meetings and Google hangouts. People are growing tired of not being able to go to a sporting event or into church or movie theater. We’ve grown weary of having to be super-self-conscious every time you pass someone in a supermarket aisle. Yes, one might say we are all getting a bit of COVID fatigue. I understand well the reasons behind the face masks and all of the precautions we’ve had to take to stop the spread of the virus. But to be honest, right now I find myself dealing with COVID fatigue. At this point I want to discard the mask, walk freely into a mall or supermarket, or find myself in the midst of a crowd without worrying about who might...