The Fall Cleanups!

As much as I love the beauty of autumn, as the leaves on the trees around us turn from a dull green to vibrant red, orange, and yellow, I do not like the task of blowing and raking those very same leaves when they fall. It’s wonderful to look out the window in the morning and see the stunning colors of the maple trees across the street, especially as the morning sun casts its light on them; it’s another thing, however, to have to spend hours on end, cleaning up those leaves when they come down. But, clean them up I do! (I know many you do as well.) Yes, it’s that time of year again: time for the fall cleanup! Believe it or not, I’ve got one neighbor who is out there almost every day with his blower and rake clearing his front lawn of fallen leaves. He obviously takes a lot of pride in a leafless lawn! Even his wife says he is over the top when it comes cleaning his lawn. In the end, however, whether a person clears their lawn every day or just once...