The Good Things of Home!

As you may already know, about three weeks ago Kim and I adopted a new dog, Sadie.  Well, I’m happy to report Sadie is doing very well.  She is eating well, sleeping well, and adjusting well to our schedule.  She still has some things to learn, but we already love her a ton—and, she seems to really love us. When we are home, she follows us all over the house. When we’re walking her, she will turn around, look up, and sometimes give us her dog-grin, letting us know she’s happy.  And, it seems that she waits for that time, when late in the evening, we finally sit down and she can jump up and snuggle next to us, even falling asleep on our laps.  Sadie is definitely enjoying the good things of having a home!
Sadie enjoying the good things of home!
You see, it wasn’t that long ago that Sadie was in shelter—actually, first in a crowded shelter in South Carolina and then moved up to a shelter here in Monmouth County. I’m sure the workers in the shelters did their best to take care of her. She had a small room to herself. She was fed. She was walked as much as possible. But when I first met Sadie, she seemed lonely and sad. Now, however, she has come alive and is as happy as can be.  After all, she’s not just being fed or given a bed or walked, but she now has a home.  And, with that home comes all the good things that are part of a home, most especially a family who is there to take care of her, consistently interact with her, and yes, love her.  It’s all part of knowing that she has a home.

The Psalmist wrote of the people of God, Blessed are those you choose and bring near to live in your courts! We are filled with the good things of your house, of your holy temple.” (Psalm 65:4 – NIV)

The Psalmist reminds us that one day God stepped into our lives and chose us to part of his family. The Bible says, we have been adopted into the family of God. And when we were, he began to fill our lives with all the “good things” that are part of his household. Yes, that includes the physical blessings that he provides for us day after day. More than that, however, it speaks to us of the blessing of being in relationship with him and knowing his presence is always with us; the joy of having him as our savior and provider; the blessing of being able to turn to him with our every need.  Most of all, it’s the blessing of knowing we are loved! When we become part of God’s family, he gives to us a new home, and in that home, we find all kinds of “good things!”

Let’s never take for granted the good things that God our heavenly Father has brought into our lives, through Christ our savior.  Truly, he has “filled us with the good things of (his) house!”

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.” (Ephesians 1:3 – NIV)

Have a great day!

Pastor Tim Harris
