A Lone Puppy!

Earlier this summer, Kim and I noticed that our neighbors had seven puppies in their backyard behind their chain-link fence. There were two Rhodesian ridgebacks and five beagles. Apparently, our neighbors were taking care of them for a friend. (It must have been a very good friend!).  It was so much fun to see the seven of them playing as they jumped on each other and chased each other around the yard.  As people walked by, the puppies would come to the fence looking for a little attention. Then they would quickly be off and running, back to their playtime.

As the summer went on, the puppies were adopted (most likely sold) to various individuals and families.  First the Rhodesian ridgebacks went (they were a few weeks older). Then one by one the beagles left until there were just two beagles left. The two of them continued to play and chase each other around the yard. They really were so cute together. It seemed that they were inseparable. But then one day I went out and saw that there was just one puppy, the one that was being kept by our neighbors for themselves.  He was sitting by himself in the backyard. He came and greeted me at the fence and then went back to playing by himself with a stick he had found. I found it so sad. 

He looks just like the puppy next door!
Of course, I understand why it was our neighbors couldn’t hold onto more than one puppy. I don’t know that I can handle having more than one dog. And, I know he has a family who will take good care of him.  Yet when I see him sitting by himself, trying to keep himself entertained with a stick rather than with his companion puppies, it seems to be such a pathetic picture.  I tend to feel sad for this lone puppy.     

Let me ask you, have you ever felt like that lone puppy? That is, have you ever felt as if you’ve been left all by yourself to handle life on your own? Maybe you’ve had times when loneliness has set in, when it seemed like everyone has either walked out on you or maybe just kind of moved on.  We’ve all been there.

The Bible tells us, however, that we are never really alone. Even in our loneliest moments we have a God who is always with us. He is the one who says to us, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5 – NIV) The Psalmist wrote, Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me.” (Psalm 27:10 – NIV) He writes that God is, “…a father to the fatherless, a defender of widows…God sets the lonely in families.” (Psalm 68:5-6 – NIV) We have a good heavenly Father who takes care of those who are feeling very much alone. 

So, if you are feeling that way today—i.e. very much alone—I want to encourage you first of all remember that, as one of God’s children you are never really alone. Then maybe ask God to give you a renewed sense of his presence at work in your life. And, you might ask him as well to help you find those people whom you not only need in your life, but who may need you to be with them. After all, our world is filled with lots of lone puppies. 

Have a great day.

Pastor Tim Harris
