Made For Connections!

As I was sitting waiting for my car to be serviced at the dealership today, a small sign hanging in the corner of the room caught my eye.  It said, “Wi-Fi Available Here.”  And, it was. The Wi-Fi was actually working. My computer and my phone both connected.  No problem. I was connected!

However, you know as well as I do that just because a sign in an establishment says that there is Wi-Fi available, such is not always the case. I’ve been in plenty of places where a sign boasted of the availability of Wi-Fi, but when I went to connect either nothing happened or a message came up telling me I was not connected.  No matter what I did—even after double-checking the password—I could not connect.  Needless to say, whenever that happens I’m frustrated. After all, I want to be connected. We all want to be connected! We like to be connected! In fact, we expect to be connected! 

Have you ever thought about how important connection is to your life? I don’t mean merely connection to the Internet, but even more so your connection to God and to the people in your life. Being created in the image of God means, at least in part, that we are relational beings. It seems that we were made for connections.

The writer of Ecclesiastes points this out when he writes, “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up…A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 – NIV)  I can’t help but think that, the “cord of three strands” refers both to our connection with our fellow man and our connection with God.  In the end, we were made to be in relationship with both. We were created to connect with God as our heavenly Father and with one another.   

Let me ask you, how’s your connection?  Is the “Wi-Fi” of your life sending out a strong signal?  Is there anything you can do today to make sure you are properly connected both to God and to the people around you? Maybe you need to pray or read your Bible.  Maybe you need to ask someone for forgiveness or show an act of kindness. Whatever it may be, why not do something today to strengthen your connections? 

Don’t allow your connections to weaken and then possibly die. Rather do what you can to build strong relationships with God and with people. After all, you were made for connections!

Have a great day!

Pastor Tim Harris
