Eating Like a Bird!

Whoever came up with the expression, “He eats like a bird” to refer to someone who eats tiny amounts of food was terribly mistaken.  In fact, I have come to realize that they knew nothing about birds.  After all, we are told that the average bird eats ¼ to ½ of their body weight every day. That means a 2 lb. cardinal eats ½ to 1 lb. of seed a day!  That’s like me eating up to 75 lbs. of food every day! It’s no wonder my bird feeder gets emptied so quickly. 

Yesterday morning, before the winter storm came upon us, I filled up the birdfeeder thinking the birds will need food for the next day or two. By around 3 pm, it was empty!  A bunch of birds had flocked to my feeder and I didn’t see one bird that ate “like a bird!”  In fact, I’ve noticed that especially when the temperature drops or a storm is coming, the birds in my backyard begin to eat like crazy, almost as if this could be their last meal ever!  They eat frantically and furiously; and, they eat a lot! Apparently, birds have appetites that are not easily satisfied.

The birds eating in the midst of the snow storm! 
We all have appetites, don’t we?  And, I’m not just talking about our appetite for food (although that can be quite prominent for many of us). But, we have appetites for companionship, affirmation, comfort, pleasure, stability, security, recognition, etc.   Often our lives are driven by whatever appetite seems to be the most prominent at the moment.  And unfortunately, most of our appetites are not easily satisfied. Thus, we often end up living our lives trying to fulfill the appetites of our body, mind, and spirit, constantly striving and yet continually coming up empty. We might say, we are constantly hungry and thirsty.   

I wonder if that might be one reason why Jesus called himself the “bread of life” and the “living water.” In fact, Jesus said,  “Everyone who drinks this water (speaking of physical water) will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst.” (John 4:13-14 – NIV) Later he said, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” (John 6:35 – NIV)

Jesus’ point is that he and he alone is able to satisfy the deepest cravings of our hearts. Through faith in Jesus, all of our appetites can be satisfied once and for all—most especially our desire for a relationship with God our heavenly father. Thus, we no longer need to strive, eating frantically and furiously of the things of this world. Rather, as we put our faith in Jesus we can say with the Psalmist, “I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you.” (Psalm 63:5 – NIV)

Let’s not eat like birds. Rather, let’s allow Jesus to fill us with his love, grace, mercy, forgiveness, hope, etc. In the end, he is the only One who is able to satisfy every longing of our hearts.

Have a great day!

Pastor Tim Harris
