Eating Like a Bird!
--> Whoever came up with the expression, “He eats like a bird” to refer to someone who eats tiny amounts of food was terribly mistaken. In fact, I have come to realize that they knew nothing about birds. After all, we are told that the average bird eats ¼ to ½ of their body weight every day. That means a 2 lb. cardinal eats ½ to 1 lb. of seed a day! That’s like me eating up to 75 lbs. of food every day! It’s no wonder my bird feeder gets emptied so quickly. Yesterday morning, before the winter storm came upon us, I filled up the birdfeeder thinking the birds will need food for the next day or two. By around 3 pm, it was empty! A bunch of birds had flocked to my feeder and I didn’t see one bird that ate “like a bird!” In fact, I’ve noticed that especially when the temperature drops or a storm is coming, the birds in my backyard begin to eat like crazy, almost as if this could be their last meal ever! They eat frantically...