Brothers Who Run Together...!

Last weekend, my sons Jonathan and Nathaniel came home and together we ran a race in Asbury Park. (Actually, I ran the 5K and they ran the 10K!)  Since they knew that their pace would be faster than most, the two of them began at the front of the pack.  And, they ran the bulk of the race side by side, keeping each other on pace and encouraging one another to keep on going. 

At the end of the race, there was a little awards ceremony at which Jonathan and Nathaniel were recognized for coming in 2nd and 3rd among the men.  As their names were called, people recognized that they had the same last name, and then that they looked so much alike. People around us began to comment how nice it was to see brothers running together.  (Someone even asked if they were twins.)  Of course, Kim and I were both glad and even a bit proud (in Yiddish, kvelling) to see our two “boys” enjoying the moment together. For us, it was really cool to have seen them as brothers first running together and now winning prizes together. 

Nathaniel & Jonathan with their "trophy mugs!"  
It makes me think of how it is we who are followers of Christ are meant to live our lives: together!  The writer to the Hebrews wrote, And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” (Hebrews 10:24-25 – NIV)

As followers of Christ, we are meant to run this race called the “Christian life,” together.   Unfortunately, we so easily get caught up in our own little worlds or fall prey to self-centeredness and even conflict, the end result being that that each of us ends up running much of our race alone.  Rather, that being there to cheer each other on and keep each other going, we end up running by ourselves, having to make it to the finish line on our own rather than with the help of our fellow runners.   

I want to remind us today that we are called to be brothers (and sisters) who will run together.  We are not meant to run alone but side-by-side, encouraging one another, picking each other up when necessary, and making sure that each one crosses the finish line. As we do we look ahead to the day in which we will receive our eternal reward, together! 

We might say, brothers (and sisters) who run together, win together! 

Have a great day!

Pastor Tim Harris
