God's Daily Routine!

We all have our daily routines. For me, the alarm clock goes off, I wait a couple of extra minutes and then get out of bed to head to the bathroom to shower and shave. I then get dressed and head downstairs to put on the coffee, eat some breakfast and then drive over to the office. There’s the time for daily devotions and prayer, the daily office routines, hopefully getting in some daily time at the gym (at least a few days a week), dinner in the evening, and the daily routines to get ready for bed. And, the next day it begins again. That’s not to say there’s no variety, change ups, or surprises that take place day to day. It’s just that there are pieces of my day—and, I know yours—that are part of a daily routine. But, did you know that God has a daily routine as well? Psalm 68:19 says, “Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.” (NIV) Some translations say, “Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with...