A Maintenance Schedule

If you’ve ever driven a new car off the lot, you know that with the car, the dealer gives to you a maintenance schedule. And we all know that, if we begin to neglect our cars they very quickly begin to deteriorate—sometimes beyond repair! The same is true for our physical bodies—they too need regular check-ups, service, and maintenance. That is why your doctor will try to impress on you the importance of returning at least once a year for a full physical and of the importance of eating right, getting enough exercise, and doing all the other things necessary to maintain a healthy body. 

This morning, as I sit here at the Toyota dealership waiting for my car to be serviced, I’m reminded of the importance of the regular check-ups, service, and maintenance that we do for our cars as well as for our bodies.  More than that, I’m reminded that the same is needed for our spiritual lives. They too need a regular maintenance schedule. Our spiritual lives as well need regular check-ups, service, and maintenance. If we begin to neglect the spiritual part of our lives, they as well will begin to deteriorate and quickly spiral downward. 

The Apostle Paul wrote, “Watch your life and doctrine closely.”  (1 Timothy 4:16 – NIV)  Jude wrote, “But you, dear friends, by building ourselves up in your up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit keep yourselves in Gods love….” (Jude 1:20-21 – NIV)  Throughout the scriptures, we are encouraged to keep watch over our lives (do regular check-ups) and to be proactive, doing that which is necessary to keep ourselves spiritually healthy (the service and maintenance). 

Maybe today, some of us need to do a bit of a check-up asking questions like: What is my heart like? How is my relationship with God these days? Am I living the way God would have me live?  And, maybe some of us need to do some service and/or maintenance: spending a bit more time in prayer and in the scriptures; repairing a broken relationship; looking for new ways to live out the love of God; making a new commitment to serving those around us. 

In the end, I want to encourage each of us to make sure we treat our spiritual lives with as much care as we do our cars and physical bodies.  Let’s put into place a regular maintenance schedule. 

Have a great day!

Pastor Tim Harris
