A Semester Abroad
It’s hard to believe, but it’s been almost two weeks since our daughter, Joanna, left for her study abroad semester in Vienna, Austria. It’s a weird feeling to have your child that far away, so far out of reach, for the very first time. This time of year she would normally be back at college, about an hour and a half away. Although we wouldn’t see her much throughout the semester, communication was easier and it felt like she was within reach. Now there’s a whole ocean plus half a continent between us. (She seems even further out of reach than when our son, Jonathan, was living in Costa Rica and then Nicaragua for a whole year!) Of course, Kim and I are glad for Joanna. We know she’s going to have a great experience. This really is an opportunity of a lifetime! Are we nervous about all the things that could happen? Maybe just a bit. Yes, we know that there are a lot of things happening in Europe these days. But we wouldn’t wan...