A New Phone Number

After a week of waiting, the Verizon technician finally came yesterday to hook up our phone, TV, and Internet.  And, yes we still have a landline in our home!  I know many people no longer feel the need to have a landline—after all, most people just use their cell phones.  But, I can’t take the plunge and do away with it. Thus, I justify why we need it.  And thus, we once again Kim and I have a new phone number. 

I’m not sure how many phone numbers Kim and I have had through the years, but just about every time we’ve moved, we’ve ended up with a new number.  That, of course, can be a bit inconvenient—one needs to memorize the new number, send it out to friends and family that may need it, etc.  On the other hand, a new phone number makes me feel like I’m really beginning a new chapter in my life.  It’s a sign that not only has a new phone line been run, but so many other aspects of my life have changed.  In this case, my new phone number signifies that I am settling down into a new home, getting to know a new town, beginning a new ministry, and getting to know a whole new group of people.  For me, my new phone number is kind of a reminder that during this season of my life God may want to do something new in and through me. 

Throughout the Bible, God often promises his people that which is new. He calls his people to look ahead with hope and faith, trusting him with their futures.  No, he doesn’t promise a new phone number. But, he does promise them that as he is works in their lives he will make all things new (Revelation 21:5).

To the Jewish people who were facing a terrible time in their history, God makes this promise, “No longer will they call you Deserted, or name your land Desolate.  But you will be called Hephzibah, [i.e. my delight is in her] and your land Beulah [i.e. married]; for the Lord will take delight in you, and your land will be married…They will be called the Holy People, the Redeemed of the Lord; and you will be called Sought After, the City No Longer Deserted.” (Isaiah 62:4, 12 – NIV) With those words, God was promising his people a new beginning filled with new hope and new life.  God was telling his people that he was going to give to them a brand new identity—an identity that could only be found in him! 

You may be at a place in your life wherein you are in need of something new—new hope, new dreams, new life—maybe even a new name with a new identity. Trust God with your future and allow him to work in your life.  He is willing and able to make all things new. 

Have a great day!

Pastor Tim Harris
