The Forgotten Birthday Boy!

For this week’s Pastor’s Devotion, I’d like to share a story I wrote last year for the children at Promise International Fellowship. Maybe you’d like to share it with some of the children in your life this Christmas. Besides, we all like a story!  Here it is:  

One day it was a little boy’s birthday. Let’s call him, “Sammy.”  He was turning 10 years old. He was so excited. He couldn’t wait for his birthday. He kept thinking about the cards he would receive in the mail, the birthday cake with ten candles on it, how he would blow them out as everyone sang to him. And, he was thinking that he would have all of his friends come over—and, that they would bring him birthday gifts.  He just couldn’t wait for his birthday!
Finally the day arrived. Sammy jumped out of bed expecting his family would say a great big “Happy Birthday” as he walked into the kitchen for breakfast. But, no one said anything.  He thought to himself, “Well, maybe they just forgot for the moment. Or, maybe they’re planning something really, really big for later in the day.”  Later he checked the mail, but no cards came for him. All day, no one said, “Happy Birthday Sammy.” 
Then, around 4:00 pm the doorbell rang.  His grandparents came in. Then a short while later some other relatives showed up. By 5:00 a whole bunch of his friends had shown up. They all had come with gifts in hand. But, strangely enough, no one said, “Happy Birthday Sammy.” 
Everyone ate dinner and talked and laughed.  The kids played some games. Then a cake came out. Sammy thought, “Here’s my birthday cake.” But, Sammy’s mom just cut it up and started giving it out to everyone to eat. Then, everyone got the gifts that they had brought. Sammy got excited again. But, then everyone started giving the gifts to each other. And, no one had a gift for Sammy.  Sammy’s heart sunk. What kind of birthday is this? 
Suddenly Sammy woke up. And when he did, he realized, it had all been a dream.  And, it wasn’t actually his birthday. It was Christmas. It was Jesus’ birthday.
At that moment Sammy realized what he and some of his family and friends had done. They had planned a big party for Christmas day—with lots of food and games and presents for each other. But, they had not planned to do anything for Jesus.
Sammy got on his knees and prayed, “Dear Jesus, I know today is your birthday.  I’m sorry I don’t have a special gift for you today, but before this Christmas day begins, I want to say, Happy Birthday Jesus.”
Later that day, just before his mom brought out the cake that was to be the dessert for the family and friends who were there, Sammy pulled his mother to the side and whispered something in her ear. Soon his mom came out with candles on the cake. Everyone stopped talking and asked, “Whose birthday is it? To whom are we going to sing?” And, Sammy said for everyone to hear, “It’s Jesus birthday!  We’re going to sing to him.” And, they did!  They sang, “Happy Birthday Jesus!” 

Although Christmas can be lots of fun for us, it is Jesus’ birthday! So let’s not forget to say, “Happy Birthday" to him!  

 “On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh.” (Matthew 2:11 – NIV)

Have a great day and a blessed Christmas! 

Pastor Tim Harris
