Trick or Treat?
Today being Halloween, children will be going from door to door, dressed in their costumes doing something they would never do any other night of the year: going to the homes of strangers asking for candy. And, their request will come in the form of a very strange phrase, “Trick or Treat!” Of course, our children today (and their parents) don’t really know the roots of that phrase or what it really signifies. For them it is innocent enough. But, by using that phrase the children are actually doing two things: (1) begging for the candy they wish to receive; (2) threatening some kind of mischief if they don’t get what they are asking for—although today the threat is an idle one. In a sense, it’s a shame that the children can’t just ring the front door bell and politely ask, “May we have some candy, please.” I’m sure that most people would just as willingly fill their bags with candy. But, I’m reminded today of the fact that, as one of God...