A Face to Face Chat

On the windowsill of my office, I have pictures of all three of my children (as well as of my wife, Kim).  I have their most recent graduation pictures, pictures of when they were babies and toddlers, and even one of our family when we were in Disneyworld about twelve years ago.  Now with none of my kids at home, I think I find myself glancing more often at their pictures, kind of wishing their pictures could talk to me.  But, pictures don’t talk.  (I know, I sound pathetic!)

Don’t get me wrong, a couple of times a week we do talk by phone with each of them. We even Skype with our son, Jonathan, who is currently living and working in Nicaragua.  But, we all know that there is nothing like a face-to-face chat.  Neither a picture, nor a phone call, nor a Skype conversation can fully substitute for an up-close and personal conversation wherein you can see the expressions on each other’s face, reach out and touch the other person’s hand, or catch that little extra inflection in their voice.  In spite of all of our social media with its tweets and texts and Facebook chats, there is still nothing that can take the place of being physically present with a friend or loved one.

The Bible says, “The LORD would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks with his friend.” (Exodus 33:11 – NIV) That is, God and Moses had these incredibly intimate and personal conversations that could only be described as being “face to face.”  The Psalmist David wrote of his close encounter with God saying, “I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory.” (Psalm 63:2 - NIV). The Bible makes it clear throughout that we can experience God in a very real, close, and personal way.  Although he is a transcendent God who is above the heavens and the earth, he comes close to his people to speak to them, help them, and minister to their needs.  

I want to encourage us today to not allow ourselves to be satisfied with some sort of long distance relationship with God.  Don’t wait until you get to a church service to hear from God. Don’t allow your relationship with him to be based on someone else’s experience. Don’t let God become like a mere picture sitting on your windowsill that you just happen to glance at every so often.  Rather, talk to him yourself. Read his Word for yourself. And, allow God to speak to you. He may be waiting to have a face-to-face chat with you today. 

Have a great day! 

Pastor Tim Harris
