My Other World

I began writing this devotional on my flight back to the U.S. from what I have come to call "my other world": Leon, Nicaragua. It's really kind of strange, but because of the number of times I have now been there, I feel like Leon has become an intrinsic part of my life. There are people there who have become like family to me. The children we serve at our school and in the various communities our program is established have come to know me well.  Even the people in the hotel, bakery, and many of the stores and restaurants know me (and I them).  So, when I arrive I feel like I'm arriving into my other world.

The hardest part about it all is that, although I'm in Leon a number of times per year, my trips are relatively short, most being four to five days. It can really feel like a whirlwind as I try to accomplish as much as possible in such a short time.  I arrive and before I know it, it's time to leave. In reality, I am just passing through.  Why?  Because, Leon is not my home. It's a place I go to for a particular period of time to accomplish a particular number of tasks. As much as I enjoy the work there and love the people there, the time comes when I have to leave and go (or come) home. 

The Bible tells us that although we are currently living our lives in this world, we who have given our lives to following Jesus, are really part of another world. This world in which we live is not our real home. We are here to build relationships, to do good works, to enjoy the blessings of God, and be a blessing to others. But, we are here for only a relatively short period of time. When we are done with what God has for us in this world, the time comes for us to go our real home. 

This is why the Apostle Peter calls us, "strangers in the world" and, "aliens and strangers in this world...."  The writer of Hebrews, writing about the people of God throughout history says, "...they admitted they were aliens and strangers on earth."  (Hebrews 11:13 - NIV) Gods people have always understood that they were here in this world for a short amount of time, awaiting the time when they would go home.

The New Testament writers would encourage us today to realize that although we are living in this world, it is our other world, not our home. Thus, as much as we may love the people around us and enjoy what we are doing here; or maybe at other times feel the pain that this world can bring upon us, ultimately we realize that we are from another place.  And, the time will come when it will be time for us to return home.

Remember: heaven is not our other world; heaven is our home!

Have a great day.

Pastor Tim Harris
