The Gift of My Dreams

I remember as a kid the incredible anticipation leading up to Christmas morning.  Once we got through Thanksgiving Day, everything became focused on Christmas. After all, that was the day we would wake up early, make our way down to the Christmas tree and find a whole bunch of brightly wrapped gifts under the tree—gifts that weren’t there the night before.  And maybe, just maybe, there would be under the tree the gift of my dreams. 

One year it happened. Not that I didn’t appreciate the gifts my parents gave me on other Christmases, but I’ll always remember one gift in particular.  At the time it was the gift of my dreams.  As I made my way down the long wooden staircase my heart was pumping, wondering whether or not it would be there. I was almost afraid to look. As I peaked towards the tree, I couldn’t believe my eyes!  There in the corner behind the Christmas tree there it was: a Flexible Flyer sled!  It was the best sled that a kid could have--red steel runners, great steering capability, and it was fast!  It was the sled every kid at the time wanted.  It was the perfect gift! It was the gift of my dreams! (In fact, the sled is still hanging in my dad’s garage!)

The New Testament writers write about the gifts God gives to us.  They refer to the gift of God’s grace, the gift of eternal life and the gift of the Holy Spirit.  Each one we might say is a gift of our dreams. After all, what could be better than knowing the grace of God, receiving the eternal life of God, and being filled with the Holy Spirit?  There is no better gift than having God at work in our lives to save us, restore us, help us, and lead us into life with him forever.  And all of this has been made available to us by means of the Gift of gifts: Jesus, the Son of God and Savior of the world.  

So with the Apostle Paul I say today, “Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” (2 Corinthians 9:15 – NIV)  God has given to us the gift of our dreams! 

Have a great day!

Pastor Tim Harris
