Running Behind Schedule
This Pastors Devotion Blog is normally written and published by Friday morning of each week. As I write, however, it is now the middle of Friday afternoon…not the most creative time of day for me. The way my schedule worked out today set me back a bit. I am currently running behind schedule.
Of course, the writing of this blog is not the only thing I may time-to-time fall behind in. Recently, on my way to my office in Queens, I found myself about to be late for an appointment because of a sudden accident just ahead of me on the Cross-Bronx Expressway. On another day, one appointment went longer than I had expected and sent me running to my next. In spite of the fact that, I am a fairly punctual person who normally makes room for the unexpected, there are plenty of times when the unforeseen arises and I find myself running to catch up to the clock. (After all, I really do hate to be late.) Even when one does their best to plan ahead, it’s so easy to end up behind schedule (and so frustrating!).
Thankfully, the people and circumstances of this life never affect God’s timing. God is never late. He is never behind schedule. That’s why Peter wrote, “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9 – NIV)
Yes there may be times when, from our perspective God seems really slow—even late. There are times when we can begin to feel as if God has gotten stuck in traffic or slept through his alarm clock. But, the Bible reminds us that He is never running behind the clock. Rather, God is always on time. Not only that but, God always has a reason for his timing. And most often, that reason is, us. God is always working towards our good—working to bring us his best right on time!
So if today you find yourself sitting in traffic, waiting on line, stuck in a longer-than-expected meeting, falling behind schedule, let it be a reminder to you that, although these things may set you behind and make you late, God is never behind schedule. He is and will always be right on time!
Have a great day!
Pastor Tim Harris
Thanks for the encouragement Pastor Tim!