Running Behind Schedule
This Pastors Devotion Blog is normally written and published by Friday morning of each week. As I write, however, it is now the middle of Friday afternoon…not the most creative time of day for me. The way my schedule worked out today set me back a bit. I am currently running behind schedule. Of course, the writing of this blog is not the only thing I may time-to-time fall behind in. Recently, on my way to my office in Queens, I found myself about to be late for an appointment because of a sudden accident just ahead of me on the Cross-Bronx Expressway. On another day, one appointment went longer than I had expected and sent me running to my next. In spite of the fact that, I am a fairly punctual person who normally makes room for the unexpected, there are plenty of times when the unforeseen arises and I find myself running to catch up to the clock. (After all, I really do hate to be late.) Even when one does their...