Communication Overload

After having had a regular cell phone for about a year, a few months ago I went back to a  Blackberry.  Since then I have been able to once again not only talk on the phone but as well text, BBM, and email—all from the same gadget.  (Actually I didn’t even know what BBM was until a couple of months ago—that is “Blackberry Messaging” for you non-Blackberry people!)  And, being that the Blackberry is 3G I can go on the Web and thereby communicate on my Blackberry even through Facebook.  That is, of course, in addition to being on my laptop much of the day and having a landline in our home.  So, one would think that I’d have no communication difficulties.  After all, with so many options at my fingertips, I should never again have to struggle getting a hold of someone or having on-the-spot and on-the-go communication with the utmost of clarity. 

But, is that really the case? With so many messages coming through via texts and voicemail and emails and Facebook and BBM, I am finding it quite challenging to keep up with all the communication—making  sure I answer everyone in a timely way and making sure every thought I speak or text or type is clear.  Sometimes I have to look back and check to see whether or not I responded or, if I did, what I actually communicated.  Did I make an appointment? Did I make a promise? Did I give an answer?  If so, was it the right answer?  Sometimes I feel like I’m on communication overload. 

A few weeks ago my kids, seeing me reach for my Blackberry at the sound of the buzz, stopped me and pretty much rebuked me for checking it while they were trying to talk to me.  It seemed that my communication tool was hindering communication with those who were right in front of me. 

Then I have to wonder about my communication with God.  Do I put as much effort into communicating with him as I do into my communication with the people around me? And, is he able to communicate to me? I know for a fact that there are times when my communication tools have actually interrupted my communication with the One who is of ultimate importance in my life. 

Maybe more than ever before we need to hear God saying to us, “Give ear and come to me; hear me, that your soul may live.” (Isaiah 55:3 – NIV)

Believe me, I’m thankful for computers and smart phones and all of the rest of the technology that we have before us today. In many ways they do help us. But let’s be aware that sometimes the tools that are meant to help us communicate may actually do the opposite.   

Have a great day! 

-Pastor Tim Harris
