A Priceless Treasure

While at the beach the other day, I couldn’t help but overhear a little girl call out to her mother, “Look mom. I found a shell. It’s a shell!” Apparently this girl hadn’t been to the beach too often for she picked up the very first shell she found in the sand, although broken and really not at all special looking, as if something very extraordinary. 

As the day went on, she realized that there were nicer shells to be found, not so much up in the sand but down towards the water. So, most of the day she spent her time down by the water looking for that special prize that she could claim as her own. It was really quite entertaining, watching her run back to her blanket and call out to her mom every time she thought she had found another extra special shell.

What really struck me, however, was how this one little girl out of all the people on the beach found such excitement in finding even the most common of shells. Whereas most people, including us, just walked right by them, this little girl could hardly pass one by. Each one was as special and priceless as the next.  What had become common and ordinary to most of us, was of great value to her.

Later on, I thought about Jesus’ words, “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.” (Matthew 13:44-NIV) Jesus reminds us that the kingdom of God is a treasure—special and priceless; of greater worth than anything else in life. Yet, so often we treat the blessings of God and those things associated with his kingdom as common and ordinary. Too often we take for granted all that God has done for us and given to us through his son, Jesus.  

Instead, we ought to be like that little girl, filled with excitement; convinced that we have found something priceless. And, like that little girl, we ought to be running to others saying, “Look at the wonderful treasure I have found!”

If you have experienced the kingdom of God within your life, be excited. You have found a priceless treasure!

Have a great day!

-Pastor Tim Harris 
