More Than Just a Number!

Tomorrow I turn 59.  Do you know what that means? I’m one year older than 58 and one year shy of 60! I know, many people say age is just a number.  And, maybe that’s true in some ways. But, I think age is more than just a number.  Age is a representation of the years that have gone by. One’s age gives a hint as to the depth and breadth of one’s life experiences—and, hopefully the number of lessons learned. One’s age speaks of the years one has lived succeeding, failing, enjoying, and sorrowing. If you think about it, so much is wrapped up in that one little number. 

Do you remember what it was like when you were young (maybe some of you still are!)?  Time seemed to go by so slowly.  Everyone even just a few years older than you, seemed to be so much older.  Thirty seemed ancient!  You thought you would live forever.  And, for many of us the real joys and sorrows of life had not yet affected us. What we call “life experience” was yet far in the distance.  After all, we were just kids focused on the moment.  And, so it should have been.

But then we grew up. Thirty didn’t seem so old anymore (for some of us it now seems so young!).  Life began to go by much quicker than it once did.  And, for good or bad, life became very, very real.  There came the graduations, that first job, marriage, one’s first child, life-long friendships, etc.  Oh, the joys that life can bring!  But, there have also been the disappointments, betrayals, times of sorrow and grief. Oh, the pain that life can bring!  We have succeeded; we have failed.  We look back with pride; we look back with regret.  We’ve learned some lessons along the way. And, it all gets wrapped up in one little number that we celebrate on the day we call, our birthday! 

Not only that, but we ought not forget that wrapped up in that number are all the works of God within one’s life.  The larger that number gets the more of God’s compassion and grace, faithfulness and power is experienced.  As the years go by, one’s testimonies of God’s hand at work to save us, help us, heal us, and provide for us, get increasingly wrapped up in that number we call, our birthday. 

So this weekend, as I celebrate that number, I want to recount God’s work within my life over these past 59 years. I’ve had my share of joys and sorrows. I’ve learned many lessons; I now have a bit of what is called, “life experience.” But most of all, I know that, wrapped up in that number is a testimony of God’s grace at work in my life and his faithfulness to me through these years that have gone by.  Maybe another year older isn’t such a bad thing!

“Since my youth, God, you have taught me, and to this day I declare your marvelous deeds. Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, my God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your mighty acts to all who are to come.” (Psalm 71:17-18 – NIV)

Have a great day!

Pastor Tim Harris
