Unreachable Apples

The home we recently moved into is on “Applebey Street.”  And believe it or not, we have two apple trees on the property.  (I guess it only makes sense!)  At first we thought that they were crab apples, which are inedible. But after moving in and seeing the apples grow, we realized that these apples are “real” apples—that they are actually edible apples.  The problem is, however, most of what appear to be the good apples have all been out of our reach.  They are at the higher parts of the tree beyond where I can reach, even with a ladder. 

Eventually, the apples fall off the tree and become food for the deer that live nearby, rather than for us. But, here is what we have found. Most of the apples that have fallen are really not all that attractive once we see them up close. Most of them are somewhat diseased or have insects or are just very, very ugly and hard.  The apples that were once beyond our reach and so tempting, no longer have the same appeal once we actually get them in hand. In fact, they are very disappointing.  

Isn’t that the way it is with so many things in life?  We are often tempted by those things that seem out of our reach—e.g. a different job, certain possessions and pleasures, a particular relationship, etc.  And, as long as that thing is out of reach, it is so appealing.  When, however, we are able to attain what we have longed for, reality sets in. Once in hand, that which was once so appealing can become so disappointing.  The flaws are revealed. The true nature of what once tempted us is uncovered.  The once shiny apple is actually a rotten apple for it cannot deliver the satisfaction for which we were hoping. 

Jesus said, “But, seek first his (God’s) kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.”  (Matthew 6:33 – NIV)  That is, don’t allow yourself to spend your life running after things that in the end will most likely disappoint (and which will one day disappear). Rather, spend your life striving after that which belongs to God’s kingdom—that which is spiritual and eternal.  And, God will take care of all of your other needs.  That which is part of God’s kingdom, once in hand, will never disappoint. 

So, let’s not strive after the unreachable apples of this world. Instead, let’s pursue the Kingdom of God!

Have a great day!

Pastor Tim Harris
