To Whom Are You Thankful?

I was thinking the other day that, going into this Thanksgiving holiday many people talk about being thankful. We often emphasize, and rightfully so, the necessity of taking an assessment of the blessings of our lives and developing a heart of gratitude. We ask the question, “For what are you thankful?”  What is missing, however, is the object of their gratitude.  We fail to ask, “To whom are you thankful?” Thus, our gratitude is sometimes misdirected or not directed towards anyone at all!

I picture it this way:  If I give my child a gift, I would expect some sort of expression of gratitude—at least a, “thanks, Dad!”  If they would go and thank other people for the gift I have given them, I’d feel as if something was wrong. The same would be true if they simply said, “I’m so thankful,” yet never express any sort of gratitude towards me personally. 

All of that to say, to whom is your gratitude directed?  I’m afraid that too often we are thankful in some generic way, having no real object of our gratitude. And, sometimes we direct our gratitude towards the wrong person or people.  Yes, we want to be thankful towards those around us when it is appropriate. But, is it possible that we sometimes fail direct our thanks towards the One who ought to be the ultimate object of our gratitude? Do we fail to say “thank you” to the One from whom ultimately all blessings flow? 

Over and over again, the Psalmist wrote, “Give thanks to the Lord….”  David said, Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name. (1 Chronicles 29:13 – NIV)  The Apostle Paul at one point wrote, “But thanks be to God!” (1 Corinthians 15:57 – NIV) 

This Thanksgiving let’s make sure we have hearts of true gratitude for all that we have and all that we are. Let’s say, “thank you” to those around us who have blessed us.  But most of all, let’s be sure to direct our thanksgiving towards God, the One who is our creator, sustainer, savior, and give of all good gifts!

Have a blessed Thanksgiving! 

Pastor Tim Harris
