Playing In the Wind

Yesterday afternoon I had the opportunity to stop by my son Nathaniel’s tennis meet. (Actually it was a scrimmage). The problem was, just before the meet began, the wind picked up terribly. During the meet wind gusts were blowing across the courts and thus blowing the tennis balls every which way. 

If you play tennis, you know that wind creates some of the hardest conditions in which to play. The toss on the serve weaves around causing the server to chase it in the air. As the ball comes across the net the ball is either pushed by the wind, making it come at you harder and faster, or slowed down by the wind, at times causing it to come to a near stop.  The result is that the players are continually trying to out-guess the affect that the strength and direction of the wind are having on the ball.  All in all, it makes for very difficult play. 

Your life and mine are filled will all kinds of winds that keep us guessing about what is coming next.  Unexpected circumstances blow into our lives that keep us trying to figure out what to do next.  Sickness, financial hardships, relational problems, etc., come like sudden gusts into our lives.  It feels like we are constantly playing in the wind!

The disciples of the New Testament were caught in some unexpected winds.  Out on the Sea of Galilee, they found themselves fearing for their lives as they tried to maneuver through a storm that had suddenly come upon them.  In the midst of it all, Jesus stood up and cried out, “Quiet!  Be still!”  And the Bible says, “Then the wind died down and it was completely calm” (Mark 4:39 – NIV)   

I’m reminded today, that no matter how windy our lives may become, Jesus is still able to speak to the winds that blow against us.  He is still able to speak a word of calm and peace into our lives; a peace he says that only he can give. 

If today you feel like you are playing in the wind—or maybe fighting against the wind—trust Jesus.  He is the One who can calm the winds of your life.

John 14:27 – “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.” (NIV)

Have a great day! 

Pastor Tim Harris 
