When The Power Is Cut Off

This morning we awoke not only to snow covered with ice, but to no electricity as well. That meant no lights, hot water, heat, clocks, refrigeration, computers, radio, WiFi, etc. The cause? A power line had come down thus cutting off electricity to the houses on our block until near noon.

It’s amazing how dependent we are on the electricity that comes into our homes. Without it, we found ourselves having to improvise and figure out how to go about the normal tasks of our morning routines. I also found myself doing things out of habit that had absolutely no affect - e.g. turning on a light switch as I walked into a room without any light coming on. All of this because we had been cut off from the source of our electric power.

Jesus said, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5 – NIV) That’s right, Jesus is our power source. As long as we remain connected to him, we are filled with his life and power. He is the one who is able to make our lives fruitful. Cut the connection and there will be no fruit for there is no life nor power.

I want to encourage you today to do whatever it takes for you to stay connected to Jesus. Spend time in prayer. Read his Word. Live by faith. Let him fill your life with all that he is and all that he has to offer. As you do, your life will be filled with fruit; the result of his light, life, and power!

Have a great day!

-Pastor Tim Harris
