Awakened By the Birds!

For the past few weeks now, I have been awaken by the sound of birds outside our bedroom window, especially a cardinal or two. It seems that they feel that 4:30 in the morning is the perfect time to start their calling. Soon after, all the other birds begin to join in. Before you know it, it’s a cacophony of birds calling, chirping, whistling, singing, and even crowing—all seemingly for the purpose of waking me up (which I do fight against!). Out of curiosity to know what kinds of birds are in the trees around me, the other day as I was walking Sadie, I turned on the bird ID app that I have on my phone. (Yes, I have a bird ID app on my phone!) I set it on “Sound ID” and began to record the bird calls and songs around me. It quickly listed ten species of birds. There was the cardinal of course. But there was as well a Carolina wren, house sparrow, a woodpecker, mocking bird, and more. That’s a lot of birds in the trees, all trying to wake me up! Did you know the Bible often r...