The Hooding Ceremony!
Many people have never seen it. Even fewer have had it done to them. But this past week, as part of his graduation from his doctoral program, our son Nathaniel went through a hooding ceremony wherein his academic advisor placed an academic hood over his neck such that it draped down along his back, showing by its colors his area of study and the completion of his degree. The ceremony signifies the culmination of doctoral studies and the transition of the student from candidate to colleague. Of course, Kim and I are very proud of Nathaniel and felt privileged to be there to witness his hooding. The most interesting part of the hooding ceremony to me is the thought that, one’s academic advisor and mentor is conferring on the student the status of a colleague. In other words, the student goes from being one who is under to one who is equal . It is meant to be a visual representation of the fact that the advisor has done their best to pour knowledge into the student and that the stude...