After the Race!

As many of you know, this past Saturday I ran my first half marathon. It was a great day, the climax of twelve weeks of training. When I crossed the finish line my legs were tired, but I was pumped; I had accomplished my goal and did it in better time than I thought I could. I was definitely on a high for about a day. By late Sunday, however, the fatigue began to kick-in, not just in the legs but in my whole body. I had given it everything I had and now my body was saying, “rest.” Thus, I entered into recovery mode. No major running for about a week, just walking, light motion on a stationary bike, some light weight training, and on day five just a short easy run. But not only was my body tired, I began to feel a little down; the post-race blues began to hit. I began wondering what to do next and how to schedule any upcoming running. I found myself looking online for other races, trying to figure out when I could race again, what kind of training I would need to go through, ...